In collaboration with Continental Tyre Malaysia, we would like to give you more rewards! Let’s celebrate Continental wheely great 150years with up to RM1 MILLION Touch ‘N Go e-vouchers. 🥳
All you have to do is to purchase 2 units of Continental car tyres and redeem your prize with hassle-free process. 🤩
For every 2 units of purchase for:
14″-16″ ~ RM20 e-voucher will be entitled
17″ & above ~ RM50 e-voucher will be entitled
RM5 will be donated to Kechara Soup Kitchen for every 2 car tyres purchased!
*Terms and Conditions apply.
Promotion valid from 15/10/21-31/12/21
Contact us now for more info! 😊
为了庆祝Continental Tyre 伟大的150周年,我们将给您总额高达100万令吉的 Touch & Go电子礼券。🎊🎊🎊
只需购买两条轮胎再以轻松简单的流程兑换您的奖品。还等什么!!今天就联络我们索取更多详情吧 ! 🤩
14’~16’可获RM20 TnG礼券
17’或以上可获RM50 TnG礼券
有效期于 15/10/2021 – 31/12/2021
每购买两条轮胎将捐赠 RM5于Kechara Soup Kitchen.